Navigating Together...

The Skylight Squad Mission

Take the U out of Mourning…

I am spiritually guided to start this group & am shown that 2025 is a paramount years on this planet.  I’m a near death experience survivor, conduit, spiritually gifted beyond my own understanding woman that witnessed the crumbling of my external life beginning in 2016.  Since this time I’ve been activated in my body continually with massive change & in a place of solitude – understanding I’ve been prepared for these times we live in now.  I am also humbled to see the WE in all things taking place.  A football team can’t complete a single yard without all 11 working together in one vision.  Likewise, if you have been chosen for this mission (in this world but not of this world), you are equally gifted and of great importance to us all here and now.

This isn’t a community for dictatorship, financial gains or stardom.  We have casted away our cares of this world and know we’re here for a bigger purpose that triumphs the crumbling systems & material world.  Here we gather as saints in training to be the light, love & peace on this planet – sharing our unique gifts from God to the mission of God’s purpose.  Humbled as little children & in celebration of the coming age we envision & believe  is upon the horizon now.

We are the different, the crazy, the cast-aways & the unwanteds – often secluded from secular groups because we are the chosen.  And in this space, we are loved, appreciated, celebrated and never alone in our walk….



If you experienced a dismantling of your external world, massive changes in your career, family, surroundings and even in your body – witnessing the activation in you of unexplainable gifts and illuminations to see things from a different lens, you are very likely going through a transformation that you were chosen for by God and placed in this world at this moment with a calling for a higher purpose.

This is NOT a material world manifestation in the making but rather a loss of lust for the material things.  The called see through the pyramid practices of communities and systems with a desire to call down a greater love that sets humanity free from fear-based programming and desires of temporary gain.

The CALLED & CHOSEN are the ones often rejected by society, unwanted, different, labeled as crazy and find themselves walking alone.  If this sounds like you, we invite you to our tribe where you aren’t a seat under a podium of speakers and teachers but an important piece to the puzzle (like the pinky connecting to the hand where it belongs).  Your gifts are needed & together we can support, uplift and walk as one in our mission to be the light – Angels on assignment here on earth.



Sent to Serve

I have founded this project in honor of my Granny Mae. She was a woman that never needed her name in lights or her picture in the media. But she changed more hearts than anyone I've ever known... a saint in the silence. Mae owned a flower…


If you’d like to reach me…

Please use this contact form or send us a message on Instagram OR visit us on Patreon using the link in the menu.